Power outage?

Power outage:

There are multiple things that could cause a circuit in your home to not have power. Some issues are more serious than others and sometimes the utilities company will completely disconnect your power from your house until you get a qualified electrician to perform the necessary repairs. Last winter the local utilities company went around to all the homes in the city to replace the electric meters. In doing so, they uncovered countless issues with burning and melting inside the meter bases. The utilities company quickly disconnected the power to the properties and told the tenants that they must get an electrician to make these repairs before getting turned back on. It was quite the unexpected inconvenience for the homeowners, but ultimately was necessary to ensure the their safety. We handled multiple repairs and got our customers up and running in no time.

Other issues that can occur are from old and outdated equipment. A withered service wire on the outside of a home can act as a conduit for water intrusion all the way into your service panel. This can quickly cause serious issues or even slowly deteriorate your equipment on the inside. Water close to electricity is never a good thing.

Most of the time the issues that we uncover are much smaller than those mentioned above. Generally a loose connection, a bad breaker, or a bad light switch is the culprit for a power outage. Though it can sometimes be a task to repair, most of the time they are quick fixes that don’t require a lot of time or money to do so.

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